Le Mas de Mon Père
305 chemin de Béchon , 07580 Saint Jean Le Centenier - FRANCE

Room rates

Prepare your stay in Ardèche at the hotel Le Mas de mon Père*** by consulting all our offers and rates.

Rates TTC in € per night*

  Room 2 beds Double room Triple room half board*** Stopover evening
Low season
October to March (except Christmas vacations)
82€ 82€ 99€   95€
Middle season
April to June - September and Christmas vacations
90€ 90€ 110€   95€
High season
July to August
99€ 99€ 129€   95€
High season
July to August - the 3rd night and more
95€ 95€ 119€   95€

The rates indicated may vary depending on the method of reservation and the site on which the reservation is made.

Extra bed in the triple room : 20 € (on reservation) 

Buffet breakfast : 9.50 € per person.

Shortened stay: for any interruption of stay before the date planned, the value of one night will be charged as compensation

* excluding tourist tax : 1.00 € per person over 18 years old and per night 

** On reservation   
*** Per person and from two nights and two persons per room

Pets are accepted in the mas for 12€ per day, provided they are clean, friendly and kept on a leash.